Architects from ADD, Inc. completed a walk around of the third floor last week and created the punch list for the floor. During a punch list walk around the architects look for things such as nicks in walls, scratches in the paint, light bulbs that need replacement, defects in products, caulking and seal of windows, and door lock function. A list is created of every item that needs to be addressed and yellow sticky notes are attached to the area to specify location.

Yellow sticky notes mark punch list items.
The various trades will respond to the punch list and make the necessary repairs and finish work.
Once the punch list is complete the final cleaning for the floor will begin. After the cleaning, each room will be locked shut until the furniture is moved in, which will happen in late January.
While crews work on punch list items, carpenters working for Pappas Co. began installing venetian blinds throughout the floor.

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